Another quilt completed for our 50+1 State Flower Quilts. State Flower for Illinois, the Violet. Quilted by Michiyo an amazing quilter who always brings her smiles to our class. Congratulations. These quilters are so awesome.
Class Canceled for February 10
…and will resume on February 17. Sorry for the last-minute notice but I just found out yesterday. See all of you on the 17th. I wanted to share with all of you this photo of our quilters working together to prep the “Boston Quilt” for quilting, what an amazing group of ladies, where the tradition…
Aloha Kalikimaka, Hauoli Makahiki hou
From our family to yours the Poakalani Ohana wishes everyone a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.
Idaho – Syringa
The Syringa blossoms of Idaho, quilted by Yuko a long-time member of the Poakalani Hawaiian Quilting Class. We still have 46 more quilts to go.
Arkansas – Apple Blossoms
Another State Completed, the Apple Blossoms of Arkansas, quilted by Kiko an amazing member of the Poakalani Hawaiian Quilting Class.
Alabama’s Camellia
Alabama’s state flower the Camellia completed by Rie. While the front of the quilt shows off Rie’s fine applique and quilting stitches her chosen fabric on the back of the quilt makes it truly personal to her. Absolutely beautiful, Front and Back. Mahalo Rie for your contribution to our Honolulu Festival Quilt Exhibit in March…
Aloha Cruise 2023
Memories were made, friendships were created but most of all… sharing our passion of Hawaiian quilting to quilters from all over the USA and Canada is what made this cruise memorable. Mahalo Nui to Karen Brown from Just Get It Done Quilts who initiated the idea; Ray and John from RGE Travel who made it…
The Orange Blossoms of Florida
Okay Junko I know you’re behind there somewhere. Congratulations to Junko one of my favorite quilters and whose been a Poakalani quilter for over 20 years. Quiet and Shy but makes the most beautiful quilts. She completed the Orange Blossoms, the state flower for Florida. Amazing and Beautiful.
Ohio’s State Flower – Red Carnation
When we started planning this project Takako decided to quilt the Red Carnation, Ohio’s state flower. It was where she moved to at a very young age from Japan with her husband Ray. She has many fond memories of her Ohio home and she now lives in Hawaii and also completed the State flower of…
Near or Far
…Hawaiian Quilts are being created right here in our classes in Honolulu and as far as Rensselaer County, N.Y. Congratulations Dawn from NY for taking out your Hibiscus Quilt from storage and giving it your finishing touches, it’s beautiful. AND THEN starting your next project how amazing is that. Dawn’s next quilt which we call…
Quilt Class After Covid
Our Hawaiian Quilting Classes are back. We started in May and so far it’s been an amazing journey. We were welcomed to our new home by Reverend Stephen from the Higashi Hongwanji. The hall is huge with great lighting, lots of parking and we couldn’t be more happy. We welcomed back our quilting family who…
My Island Home
My Island Home has eight main islands and the Island of Oahu is where I make my home. It’s a very busy island and the city of Honolulu is a huge metropolis were two thirds of the residence of Hawaii live. It’s a beautiful city and during the evening the city lights are breathtaking to…
The Yellow Hibiscus – Hawaii’s State Flower
The State Flower of Hawaii the Yellow Hibiscus is now complete. Mahalo Takako for capturing the beauty of Hawaii’s state flower on a Hawaiian Quilt Wallhanging. 2 States completed and 49 more to go… including Washington DC.
The Road to Hana
The famous road to Hana on the Island of Maui is known for its narrow roads, twists and turns and its breathtaking views of ocean cliffs and waterfalls but its true beauty is its people. The kindness and open hospitality of its local residence is where you will truly experience the true Spirit of Aloha….
Quilt Folk Magazine
Jenni & Kay sharing the Art of Hawaiian Quilting with the rest of the world.