” Na Pua O Pu’u Wai” Flowers of The Heart Hawaiian Quilt Exhibit”. 47 Prefecture Flower Design Quilts and more… lots more. It’s going to be amazing. Our certified instructors and some of their students will displaying “NEW” quilts. 3 Generations of Quilters. Master Quilter Kupuna John, His students and now their students… We’re so…
NO Class September 9. We’ll be back on September 16.
Yes, off to Las Vegas for the Pacific Islander Festival. Two days of sharing the art of Hawaiian Quilting in Henderson, NV. It’s going to be great fun…
…those Summer Time Blues
…okay not so blue but oh so warm. Humidity in the islands these past few weeks have been record breaking. So put your quilting aside and applique is the name of the game. Our Bible Series with patterns of flowers mentioned in the Bible and found throughout the regions where Christianity was born. …In the…
Hawaiian Quilting is Alive and Flourishing in Shibuya, Japan
The amazing designs of Kumu Tomoko. My heart dances when I see Hawaiian quilting being taught around the world.
…and oh so busy year. No Class August 5 and will return on August 12
It’s been a busy year so again sad to say there will be no class on August 5 and we’ll see everyone back on August 12. But I’ll leave you with this amazing applique by Susan. Ti Leaf design with a floating lei ready to be quilted.
All Shapes and Sizes
Adapting to change is never easy. Traditionally all Hawaiian quilts were made for beds. In the early 1900’s if you were going to learn to make a Hawaiian quilt you actually started with a larger bed size quilt. (Hence the many unfinished closet quilts)It was only during the 1970’s when a few quilt designers(including John)…
Makapuu Lighthouse
It was a nice surprise to see Ikumi at class on Saturday. She was homesick for Hawaii and we’ve been missing our Ikumi. She shared her next quilt of Whales swimming in the ocean below the Makapuu Lighthouse. Her design and it’s beautiful. Great Job Ikumi. Glad you came home for a short visit.
No Class July 15. Class resumes on July 22 At The Palace
…until then enjoy this new Hawaiian quilt prepped for applique. Design by John Serrao
Hiromi’s Cup Of Gold
Thank you Hiromi for making a special trip to our class so we can admire your completed queen size quilt the “Cup Of Gold”. So beautiful and the colors reminds me of those days in the 60’s and 70’s when the Hawaiian quilt colors were bold and strong.
Visiting the Bishop Museum today…
And the Hulia Ano Exhibit… what a great day. 3 quilts on display.
One of the Best Quilting Instructors I Know.
Tomiko lives in Kobe, Japan and we had the amazing opportunity to meet 20 years ago when she first started attending Poakalani’s Hawaiian quilting class when we were teaching at the Queen Emma Summer Palace. I am honored and humbled to call Tomiko my sister of the heart. She is one of the best…
Healing The Soul
Many Hawaiian quilts tell stories of legends, births, favorite flowers, and even historical events. Some conveys hope. This quilt was designed and quilted by my sister of the heart for John who is going through some difficult health issues. Designed with some elements of the Sumo Yokozuna wrestlers attire it’s Kumu Kimi’s wish that it…
So PROUD of the Poakalani Quilters.
… and John would say, “They breathe life and spirit into my designs.”
Summer Time and Holidays…. No Class June 10, 2017 – Summer Potluck June 17, 2017
NO Class June 10, Kamehameha Day Parade. A day to celebrate our Hawaiian”ness” in parades, Fairs and fun. Everyone have a great day and see all of you on June 17, 2017 for our Summer Potluck…. Remember to join the party bring an “ono” dish to share. Starts promptly at 10:00 “ish”. …
Echo or Definitive centers both are beautiful.
Loving Barbara’s stenciled center giving the quilt a more attractive middle.