Quilt Class 03-31-18
What a way to end the month. New quilts being cut and basted and ready for Applique. A surprise visit from Kumu Kimi of Nagoya and a showcase of all her quilts. It was a great Show and Tell Day at class.
Busy Classes But So Much Fun
Crazy Fun At Saturday Quilting Class
Honolulu Festival 2018
Please enjoy a few pictures from our Quilt Exhibit 2018. It was amazing and beautiful. I wish I had the time to tell you about every quilt and quilter they’re all so special to our class. Please forgive me if I forgot to post some quilts as well as quilters.. I did my best. Enjoy….
It Was A Huge Success
…all because of these amazing quilters. All of you please take a bow. You made this the best Honolulu Festival Quilt Show Ever. Thank you for your help and continued support of the Poakalani Quilting Legacy. We love all of you and we’re now going to start planning for 2020. Special Thanks to JTB and…
3 more days…. March 10-11
…and we’ll be at the Honolulu Festival at the Honolulu Convention Center showcasing our students quilts. It’s going to be “Great”. Until then enjoy this completed wall hanging from my dear friend Sabine in Germany. Amazing Plumeria Quilt. Hawaiian Quilting can be found even in Germany. Thank you Sabine for sending the picture.
Sneak Peak – Honolulu Festival March 10 & 11
Come and Join us at our Hawaiian Quilt Exhibit at the Honolulu Festival March 10 & 11. First Showing for many new quilts as well as quilts brought back for a second showing by popular demand. Here is a sneak peak of one of the quilts. Come to the quilt show to see the full…
The Next Generation of Quilters
John broke his old record of designing patterns in our Saturday Class. Six new 45″ x 45″ designs for the next generation of quilters. Great Day and John had a good day.
Honolulu Festival March 10, 11
We have a side room in the quilting class called the “overflow” room. When the main room fills to capacity the “overflow” room is used. Well, in the past few months we’ve had to use the “overflow” room We love it that there are so many wanting to quilt Hawaiian. They age from 9 –…
Count Down to The Honolulu Festival March 10 & 11
Another amazing quilt for the Honolulu Festival. The pattern was designed by John almost 10 years ago and finally quilted by Takako Jenkins. Na Koa – The Guardian—Symbols of the Ti Leaf, War Club to the Warriors Helmet. A strong quilt of protection. Takako John Says thank you. 1/2 Fold, 45″ x 60″.
Honolulu Festival March 10 & 11
It’s official we’re back again at the Honolulu Festival 2018. We’re excited to display quilts made by the members of the Poakalani Quilting Family. It’s going to be another amazing show. So mark your calendar and visit us at the festival. Food, cultural displays and entertainment. Until then enjoy this amazing quilt by one of…
Ilima & Maile always a popular design
…just ask Ali. A personal design by John and wow it’s absolutely beautiful why because Ali did an amazing job with the applique and quilting.
It’s all in the giving….
Congratulations Carla who made this amazing wall hanging and cushion top for a fundraising raffle. What an amazing surprise it would be to win one of these. You’re always giving. I’m glad you enjoy coming to our classes because we really enjoy having you.
Those darn empty spaces….
You can choose to either cut the excess fabric around the edge of the quilt to make a smaller quilt, or keep the edge and have an amazing echo quilted border or actually add another design. I love the new addition to the sunflower quilt. Great choice Takako.