We had an amazing time laying out this beautiful quilt for a fellow quilter. A great day in many ways. Designed by John.
It’s been a Monsterra kind of year….
Maybe it’s the beauty of those large distinctive leaves that makes it a very popular Hawaiian quilt pattern. Only five months into to 2017 and John has already designed over 10 Monsterra designs. All beautiful. Enjoy Jeannie and Chiyo.
Happiness is that last quilting stitch….. :-)
Congratulations Mary for completing your turtle table runner. Loving those turtles…..
Quilting Across Generations
Congratulations to Maluhia for completing Aunty’s Chrysanthemum Closet Quilt. Generations old and lovingly mended and quilted. Vintage Design Applique by Aunty and Quilted by Maluhia. So Beautiful.
Anne-Marie’s Mix & Match
Using a 45″ x 45″ design for the center of the quilt and then adding a Staghorn Fern border lei creates a beautiful 90″ x 90″ Full Size Quilt. Congratulations Anne-Marie for a beautiful quilt. One of the many you made. Awesome applique and quilting by Anne-Marie. Quilt Design by John Serrao.
Maile Ilima always a favorite design….
and original design that just makes you want to smile. The maile only found in the hidden recess of our forests and the intertwined ilima with more than a thousand blossoms needed to make one lei. It’s going to be beautiful when completed. Truly a work of art.
I love this quilt sooooo much that I’m reposting…
So Pat has this amazing friend since forever and her forever friend buys her fabric in Tasmania while traveling through there. So what’s Pat suppose to do. Well, make a quilt of course. Scrap fabric turns into….tada.. a beautiful Kukui Nut Wall hanging. Circle Me Silly.:-) Amazing Pat. Congratulations….and for those of you who don’t know Pat….
NO Class March 25. We’re off island on a short vacation….See you back at class on April 1
…in the meantime enjoy this beautiful Monsterra Quilt that John designed for Beth. Her first and hopefully many more. Another personal and wow John Design.
Class this Saturday At The Iolani Palace
We’re back at the Palace this Saturday. Come and join us for another weekend of Hawaiian Quilting and Congratulations to Rumi who not only finished her Anthurium wall hanging but also laid out and basted her next week. Wow! She’s living her Dream.
Last Minute Changes – WE HAVE CLASS this Saturday
Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. We were scheduled to have a day off from quilting this Saturday March 4 because the room we usually have class in will be used for another palace function. But my day off was short lived when the Bishop Museum called and invited us to have…
When Everything Just Flows….
Those are the quilt patterns I love when everything just flows from the center. Joyce finally got her quilt cut, laid out and pinned. The heleconia makes a beautiful and full design. Personal design for Joyce from John Serrao. Can’t wait to see the completed quilt.
Sometimes You Just Know…
…That it’s time to put away that needle and thread and breakout the sewing machine. Our amazing and wonderful Margaret e-mailed me this photo of her last hand-made quilt. She explained that her fingers are too painful to do any type of hand sewing and quilting. Her story is not the first time I’ve heard it…
Lots of Poi for the Ohana….
So I spent the day doing the graphics on another of John’s 45″x 45″ designs. I love doing it. It’s like a puzzle that slowly reveals itself. I start by taking a picture of the 1/8 pattern and uploading it to my computer. I then use a photo program to color in the pattern and…
Challenge yourself…. Be Like Pat :-)
I’m beginning to think that’s Pat’s motto is , Challenge Yourself. She’s always challenging herself to do more, climb higher, make the impossible…ha!. Yep make the impossible here’s Pat’s next quilt design, The Hapuu Fern. I don’t think anyone else would have taken this challenge. I can’t wait to see the progress on this quilt….
Brown Paper Packages….
The weather people finally got it right. It was a very wet Saturday here in the islands but that did not stop many of our quilters braving the flooded streets to attend the quilting class. It was a great class and got even better when I checked my mail box at home in the late…