The Poakalani Family wishes all of you a very Merry Christmas and an amazing New Year. …and to all of our quilters thank you for an unbelievable year. From our March Quilt show at the Honolulu Festival to our daily classes everyone has been only kind and wonderful. Thank you for helping us…
Category: Hawaiian Quilting Class
Quilting Class is all about quilting, inspiration and friendship. It’s where we hide from the outside world for just a little while and create quilted memories for family and friends.
Bored on Molokai
Yuko I just had to post your photo from Facebook to my website. Bored on Molokai but look at those amazing Hawaiian Quilt Pillows. They are beautiful. You need to open a shop. Yuko originally from Japan now lives with her husband on Molokai Island. She is a Poakalani Certified Instructor and amazing friend.
Hawaiian Cushion Pillows
Prior to 1972 only large Hawaiian Quilt patterns could be found. When you attended your first quilting class a large queen size pattern and even king size patterns was your first introduction to Hawaiian quilting. In 1972 John and Poakalani decided to design smaller patterns for the beginner quilter. Inspired from the larger quilt patterns from Poakalanis grandmother the…
Cherry Blossoms – Reverse Applique
Cherry Blossom Quilt by Certified Instructor Kimi Kumagai shows another type of Contemporary Hawaiian quilting technique called reverse applique. While reverse applique is used in traditional Hawaiian quilting to accent flowers and leaves in this quilt it is only reverse applique that is shown. The Beautiful Cherry Blossoms slowly falling under the evening sky. Designed…
Pat’s Orchid Quilt
I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted but if I’m not posting I’m doing a lot of work behind the scenes . First congratulations to Pat on her awesome orchid quilt. Second, I’ve also added Pat’s Quilt Gallery under Quilt For Sales if anyone is interested in purchasing a Made In Hawaii Quilt….
Amazing Quilts – Monkey Pod Tree
The Monkey Pod trees with its large umbrella canopy can easily be found in Hawaii’s parks shading the locals and tourist from Hawaii’s hot sun. The most famous monkey pod tree is of course the Hitachi Tree located in Moanalua Gardens while less famous but beautiful trees can be found at Iolani Palace, Nuuanu…