…It’s been an amazing year from our trip to Oxford England to our daily classes. Mahalo to all our quilters who continue to quilt in Hawaii’s traditional style and the Higashi Hongwanji who gave us home. Let’s make 2025 our best year yet.
Category: Hawaiian Quilting Class
Quilting Class is all about quilting, inspiration and friendship. It’s where we hide from the outside world for just a little while and create quilted memories for family and friends.
Aloha Cruise 2023
Memories were made, friendships were created but most of all… sharing our passion of Hawaiian quilting to quilters from all over the USA and Canada is what made this cruise memorable. Mahalo Nui to Karen Brown from Just Get It Done Quilts who initiated the idea; Ray and John from RGE Travel who made it…
Quilt Class After Covid
Our Hawaiian Quilting Classes are back. We started in May and so far it’s been an amazing journey. We were welcomed to our new home by Reverend Stephen from the Higashi Hongwanji. The hall is huge with great lighting, lots of parking and we couldn’t be more happy. We welcomed back our quilting family who…
Fun, Friendship and Ohh’s and Ahhh’s
It was an beautiful day even the sun decided to shine on us. For just a few hours we forgot about the worlds concerns and just enjoyed each others company and celebrated everyone’s accomplishment for the past year. Many of the quilts didn’t make it to Honolulu because of the cancellation of the Festival and…
Show And Tell Saturday
…and what a class we had. The ladies showing their completed quilts for our Honolulu Festival Exhibit…. It’s going to be great March 7 & 8 at the Honolulu Convention Center.
Another Quilt
For the Honolulu Festival. March 7-8. The Monsterra quilted by Toshie. It’s going to be an amazing exhibit.
Class cancelled for 09/21/19
I don’t like when this happens but for the safety of our students and the general public. Iolani Palace is closed until Tuesday September 24. Hopefully by then the bees will be gone and we can resume classes. During our hiatus please enjoy some of the quilts created since my last posting. Amazing ladies and…
Amy’s New Passion.
Amy started with us only a few months ago with a friend. Her friend stopped coming after only two weeks but that didn’t stop Amy from continuing the class. She’s enjoying her new passion.
…the Tradition Continues
we’re finally back at the Iolani Palace and the ladies are continuing an amazing tradition. … Yes the ladies also quilt Bed Runners.
Sunday Quilting
We meet one Sunday a Month at the Iolani Palace Kanaina Building but the rules are you’re either cutting, laying out, basting or prepping your applique top piece for quilting. Four hours spent which we’ve titled as laying out the BIG ONE, the larger Queen/King Size quilt. It’s enjoyable, exciting and memorable. Please enjoy a…
Still Sharing The Tradition
Yes, it’s been over a month since I’ve updated my website. The business of a new job and many minor mishaps has made it difficult for me to connect with all of you and for that I apologize. December has been overwhelming for us with emotions from missing John to our amazing Christmas Party and…
You can tell one story or many stories
…on a quilt. Don’t let the large patterns scare you off you also have a choice of making smaller squares which eventually can be joined to make a larger quilt. This quilt designed by John tells of the many medicinal plants used by the Hawaiians for their ailments. They too had their doctors of medicine. …
Planning ahead…Mark your calendar.
PaRTy, PaRTy, PaRTy, Yes please mark you calendars. December 8 is our annual Christmas Party From 10:00am-1:00pm. Let’s take a break from class and celebrate friends and family. Don’t forget to bring a Potluck Dish and Grab Bag Gift no more than $20.00. Now please enjoy this amazing ….it’s a half fold quilt pattern designed…
…and the Tradition Continues
Today was the first day of Hawaiian Quilting Class at the Iolani Place without John. He had not attended the class for about two months but this was the first class when we realized that he was never to return. Thank you to all the ladies for your comfort and strength. The classes will continue…
Because Life Doesn’t Stop
I haven’t been to class in several weeks but these amazing ladies keep quilting their hearts desire. Enjoy a few quilts completed and in progress. I miss these ladies when I’m not there.