Aloha Quilting Family,
I realize it’s been a while since I last posted, actually more than a while but Rae and I want you to know that while we miss the quilting classes we miss all of you more. Many people have called and e-mailed but sorry to say as long as the palace is closed so are our classes. Let’s just hope this vaccine works and we all can get back to the Palace soon.
I can’t believe that it’s already 2021 and I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and New Year. I also pray that you and your families are safe and healthy.
My family is doing fine. I’ve been working from home remotely with my day job since March 2020 and according to my manager it’ll be a while before we’ll return to the office. Life has truly thrown us a curve.
For most of the year life was uneventful, which is a good thing. Without the quilting classes I also got a little lazy hence the very few updates on my website but this Christmas I received an amazing surprise which I just had to share with all of you. When I thought there were no more of John’s quilt designs to be found… to my surprise I was wrong.
Apparently my cousin Kaeleneʻs Aunty Donna was cleaning out some of her treasures and came across 39 of John’s original designs.(There were 40 but alas one is missing). She received it from Kaeleneʻs mom, Aunty Leilani. Poakalani and Aunty Leilani grew up together, best of friends and inseparable. While they were not related by blood they were true sisters of the heart.
So apparently before John designed the 30 cushion patterns that I knew of he also designed 40 patterns prior to that. The way the story goes Poakalani had such a difficult time with the original 40 patterns John designed that he tossed it out and designed 30 new ones and made them easier. What I didn’t know was that copies of the original 40 patterns were made and I guess my mom gave one set to Aunty Leilani who gave it to Aunty Donna. 50 years later Aunty Donna returns it to Kaylene, who then gives me back a copy over the Christmas holiday. After 50 years the circle is complete and John’s original 40 cushions patterns have returned home and now back in my possession.

The designs are intricate and the sizes range from 18″ x 18″ to 22″ x 22″. A few of the patterns are part of his second set of 30. I hope to share some of those patterns with you I may need to tweak it just to make them easier.
The design above is probably John’s first Tulip pattern. Just click on the photo and you can download the pattern. I didn’t change the pattern. It’s all John’s from his handwriting to the pattern. You may need to enlarge the pattern.
Mahalo Kaylene, Aunty Donna, Aunty Leilani, Poakalani and John. It was a wonderful Christmas Surprise.
Everyone Stay Safe and God Bless.