Yes it’s been awhile since I posted. I’ve been having the most difficult time deciding which pattern to share with you. With the COVID19 crisis and now the tragic death of a man at the hands of a rogue police officer the world in which I was raised in is unrecognizable.
I don’t have any words of wisdom with everything that is going on right now but during the next few month I believe all of us needs to be patient with one another. Let’s all just be kind and respectful to each another.
Today’s pattern I’m sharing is actually one of my favorites. It’s from John’s original 30 cushion patterns he designed back in 1972 called the Ahonui, which in English means Patience. How appropriate is the pattern during these difficult times. Poakalani always said if you can applique this design you can applique any Hawaiian Quilt Pattern. Everyone please be safe.

‘Ōlelo No’eau
I ka ‘ōlelo no ke ola, I ka, ‘ōlelo no ka make
Life is in speech, Death is in speech
Words can heal, Words can destroy