John always spoke of everyone having an inner light and inner light that makes us shine as good parents, amazing co-workers, dependable siblings, and even Hawaiian quilters. How is your light shining during this difficult time.
A few ways we can make our light and everyone’s light shine:
Go out only when you really need to and practice Social Distancing
Call a friend who lives alone and have a joyful conversation
Clean your windows… that’ll make your light shine(lol)
Write a letter to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while
When you see a First Responder….. Say Thank You
Quilt and Pray because God Really Listens
…. I bet you can think of many more ways
To All Hawaiian Quilters….
Are you quilting everyday? Is your light shining through your beautiful hand made quilts. Send me a photo at [email protected] of your completed quilts or quilts in progress so we can share your light with other Hawaiian quilting enthusiasts. If your not quilting send a picture of what you’re doing with your time.