Happy New Year to Our Quilting Family.
Hope all of you had a great Christmas and many blessings to all of you this New Year. The Poakalani family had a great 2014 and while we expect and even more exciting year in 2015 things happen and we had to accept an unexpected change in our 2015 schedule….sadly we will not be part of the Honolulu Festival in March due to a few changes, hopefully we’ll be back in 2016. It’s actually a blessing because it gives us more time to prepare for our trip to Japan in October 2015. More details later on this exciting trip to Yokohama, Japan. Until further notice we’re still having classes at the palace and we’ll let everyone know when we have to make the temporary move. So yes we are expecting amazing things this year and believe it’s going to be fun and awesome for everyone. Design by John Serrao 22″ x 22″